Hi all... Recently there's been some action in the water conservation and greywater scene around the US, with California tampering with their greywater code and San Diego almost ready to begin rationing water!.
In the Midwest, the water challenges range from drought to infrastructure expansion to sewage pollution and spiraling costs for water in this economy.
There's a Cincinnati EarthSave promoted group called "ParkAndVine' apparently downtown who is doing simple living and conservation workshops and other gathering events, one of which was relevant to our AE/EE – energy -- agenda, so I routed that event to John to see if he could wangle a way into their event and get some serious AE/EE concrete progress for their participants.
Their presenters were from UC and the EPA, so we figure it wasn't going to be very much progress without John, not like doing the thorough look at energy consumption and CO2 calculations that John does in his survey annually. I do believe that John put in our message on energy just like we would, so now we wait....
In the meantime, I looked again at their offerings and noticed that they didn't even mention water conservation, which is one of our own personally productive areas of exploring. So now I'm thinking there might be something we might test some *broadcasting* tactics for these ideas among ourselves for interest-success.
Suppose your household could keep your water usage to under 2000 gal/month, wouldn't that save you a significant amount of green over the year? We haven't lived in Cinci for a long time, but as I recall, the water usage has a double whammy of funding not just the incoming water but also a sewer charge that was dependent on the water used.
Flushing toilets is a big user of water in the household water stats. We in the western world are completely misled into believing that our water systems are the cream of civilized thinking and we are subjected to severe regulatory scares to keep us in line.
The Finns however have shown (Science News) that saved-urine (jugs, jars, etc) that is used in the garden INSTEAD of petroleum-based fertilizer is not only highly effective in increasing garden output, but the produce is also cleaner. We are taught that urine is unsanitary, when in fact it has been used in battlefield situations to clean wounds. It's an antiseptic, and natural for contact with our bodies to boot. Shocked, yet?
We have been living out in Brown County OH, where we can have the naturescaped habitat home we have been wanting, and we have been using a new approach to MATERIALS HANDLING that replaces the tangled mess that our western civilization' s "supposedly optimal" health and home organization creates known as *sewage* and *waste dumping*. Our systems use greywater for flushing without the need for plumbing modifications. Our showers use under 10gallons/shower. Are you shocked yet? Would others be shocked yet. Or would they just not "get it".
According to Greater Cincinnati WW statistics, the "typical family" uses about 70% of their municipal water billing on bathroom usage. Since the typical adult (according to the Cincinnati Water Works) uses about 7500 gallons per quarter per person and if the household consists of 2 adults and 2 children, then their water usage for bathroom projects is approximately 20,000 gallons per quarter per family, just for bathroom use. Our methods of managing water usage would have kept our municipal usage -- if for 4 people -- under 8,000 gallons TOTAL per quarter, not just bathroom usage. Even just a few of the methods we've been using, could likely save that hypothetical family of 4 about $50/month, not insignificant.
If you'd like to talk to us about doing something along these lines, just let me know what your interest is.
We haven't done an AEA meeting in a long time and I'm pleased with that because it's more sensible to minimize those sorts of expenditures to stuff where it's really needed. Wouldn't this be possibly a topic to move forward on just by chatting and looking at some of our photos at WildwindBermDesigning for a view of the ZeroWaste Workingclass DIY Home that we are developing.
It's not the sort of stuff you'd ever be told by the EPA or by the UNIVs. The EPA is interested in political turf battles and the universities get their money from pandering to government and industrial funders, so you won't get any of this from them. Are you game to try something and see whether it's possible to move forward on bathroom water usage conservation before I jump on any interest ParkAndVine might have.
And John, let us know if they are genuinely looking for progress or just stirring up traffic at ParkAndVine for their store-keeping opportunities. They seem to have novel ideas and are committed to counteracting standard directions. We'll see.
What say you?
ChrisDYes, let's do it. I'm game for exploring.
Jeanette & Chris, Not to barge in... but the overwhelming majority of "usual 'water saving' shower heads" are 2.5 gpm. I recommend 2 gpm to my clients. Delta's lowest is 1.5. Mine is an old 1.8 gpm model I've used for almost 30 years in this and our last house. (Gail removed hers and installed a 2.5 model she says she likes better. Amazes me that your household members all seem to agree and perform so similarly, Jeanette... Or maybe you just report it that way. Normally, I see 2:1 and 3:1 variations from one house member to another...
John... It seems to amaze a lot of people -- outside the 'unschooling' world – how close are the interests and life-orientations of 'life-led' unschooling family members. Patently the trust that western civ puts into the institution of public schooling is destroying their own family structure, just like the corporate world is doing to marital and family units with their own sets of carrots-and-sticks. Your own relationship is definitely a work of the art of negotiation and unifying effort. It constantly amazes me how you and Gail can arrive at workable organization that respects each other's own preferences -- which are likely also needed to deal with your individual career choice influences.
Inside the life-led families, it's seen as natural that the life we share should motivate mutuality in interests. In those shared life-led relationships, the spark of interest in some one member just easily leads to mutual exploration of that area to the enlightenment of each since there's respectfulness for difference of experience. Sibling rivalry is a product of other forces than sibling-ism. As are the anti-generational struggles between parents and children, leaving the western-civ child abandoned to surrogate daycare for 20years, followed by a lack of involvement in each others' life struggle leading to abandoned parents-lives in 'homes' for the aged. You're lucky to have an interest in your own family history and siblings, but then you were always plowing a different path than the school system imposed on the others who didn't resist and defend their own ideas and interests.
Thanks for the compliment on our mutuality -- but not unanimity by any means. One of my favorite writers on family structure that explores mutuality is Jan Fortune-Wood, a British advocate of working tranquility in family relations. One more edu-heretic.
Jeanette, it's so interesting that you answered my observation philosophically. I'd have guessed that your household members' "cooperation" or "agreements" regarding the participation in and achievement of conservation and efficiency goals have more to do with how tightly knit your household is AND that that knitting includes energy and resources management. Simply stated, in most families and companies, employees NEVER EVEN DISCUSS ENERGY AND RESOURCE TARGETS, let alone how to achieve them. Most do not compare their usage data. Heck, at one time in my life, I thought of AEA as a kinda tight organization of like-minded folks with similar goals. But look how that's been shown untrue. Hardly any AEAers seem interested, only a few participating in my free home energy surveys anymore, only a teeny tiny few even cutting their energy and resource usage and pollution demands. Remember when we ended membership fees and inserted a requirement that AEA members be engaged in and willing to share their EE/RE/DSM implementations and plans? Well, I wonder how many free-member AEAers actually 'pay those dues'...
I see this in other groups, where members don't even apply the professional aspects of their groups to themselves, their own homes and extended families. Just look at all the LEED-AP architects and EnergyStar professionals who nonetheless have energy-guzzling vehicles, homes and offices, or more specifically, non-LEED-compliant and non-EnergyStar qualifying homes and offices. Often not even CAFE-compliant vehicles. So in my 26th year in this biz, I certainly do not expect any household or business "label, claim or professional aspiration" to translate to any sort of uniform or majority-shared actions or achievements on the parts of their members. This is a fact, regardless of why. I once was told by a Cleveland environmental group leader that in her area and membership, 'if corporations and governments aren't behind or backing any initiative, it won't get done.' Initially, I've internally completed her sentence with '...won't get done by the majority of the population.' But now I understand it as "...won't even get done by the most persons who claim interest or advocacy for those objectives."
Reminds me of my across-the-street neighbor who once told me he "supported the Iraq War". I asked him if he'd be willing to pay his share of the trillion dollar cost, say, by voluntarily paying higher taxes or by sending his eldest son (just graduated from high school) to fight in Iraq. He quickly said 'no', then accused me of taking him too literally. I responded that "support" needs to mean something. He responded that he probably should have said he supported GWBush when he decided to send US money, troops and weapons to Iraq. I asked '...and who's paying for this?', reminding him that GWBush lowered taxes and was racking up huge debts, payable in the future by him, me, his kids and grandkids. I asked if he supported saving or sending his current-day bills to be paid in the future by his kids and grandkids. He again accused me of being too literal with what he said.
Anyway, I do not see the widespread schism between careless speech and actions as unusual or rare. I think modern life in cities and suburbs creates huge abstractions between our thought processes and understandings of the world and the physical requirements and mechanisms supporting our lives. Most architects do not understand their designs as eventual machines, totally dependent on perpetual access to hidden huge often-ugly infrastructures and consequences. Most homeowners don't even think about their wastes and pollutions. They don't handle or even see their energies. If this were all different, with people having to look at their destroyed mountain landscapes, sick miners, petro-polluted air masses around refineries, all the dead wildlife and degraded environments, all because they wanted more, newer, faster, bigger and fancier stuff, then many folks would act differently. Ignorance is bliss. I think it's also intentional. It's why our leaders allow and encourage, even force regulations which require the disconnected realities between the often-promoted glitz and glamour of our government created cities and suburbs rather than the associated consequences.
Okay, enough of MY own philosophies... You got me started. Back to work! But I should end with saying that I do know businesses and households where the majority of members are like yours, agreeing substantially on and participating multilaterally to achieve energy and resource goals. But it is rare. As for Gail, consider that she's more of a conserver than many, just not as much so as me. I've changed more than she. I'm also more in charge of my life than she. Being a self-led and self-directed company and strong-headed independent individual with aggressive goals, I've changed and implemented far more on my own. She supports that and tries to cooperate. In any competition, some perform better than others. A lot of reasons for that. I don't assign "good" or "bad" labels to everything when I'm discussing or describing things. That's been healthy for my marriage, now on its 36th year. But in any competition, and I see our environmental and energy behaviors like this more and more, we need all to participate. Some will always perform differently. I just wish we could get more participation and tolerate more sharing of the hows and how-muches. Right now, there's not much of that, even among advocates.
Chris, thanks for picking up the ball on water conservation. Have you been out to
www.windberm- designing. net and have some questions already in mind? For now, I'll just outline what we are doing and see where this goes.
1-- The usual 'water saving' shower heads are advertised as 2 – more accurately, 1.5 to 2.5, per JohnR -- gallons per minute so if your typical shower is a 15 minute affair, then that typical shower uses 30 gallons per shower. Depending on your household number of persons and showering frequency, that could be say 900 gallons/person/ month or 2700 gallons/person/ quarter.
Some water system users are billed quarterly, some monthly. Suppose we examine monthly, like we are out in our rural water association.
We used to have a shower hose in our old lil-Yosemite habitat home up north that we liked because it got you thoroughly rinsed, not just top-down. When we were in Home Depot, we saw what they were advertising as a "pet-shower" that was just a shower hose with a start-stop control like you sometimes have on the kitchen sink dishwashing sprayerhose.
With that pet-shower, we've clocked our showers as using about 7 gallons/shower. Our shower is in the bathtub, so you just close the plug and calculate the gallons from the cubic feet of water that accumulates while taking your shower to see what your own results are. That's a 75% savings at our rate, compared to the water 'saving' version.
Cost of pet-shower-hose for family showering, about $15 IIRC.
Benefit, about 700 gallons/month/ person
2-- We've touched on this next idea once before but it's the key to a lot of other household water conservation. And does even apply to simple handwashing in the bathroom, which is our current focus. I've mostly developed the skill of appropriate water speed control for the usual twist-faucets in the kitchen however. The custom in western society -- commercials, movies, and everywhere around us -- is to whip on the faucet full blast... psychological need for satisfaction? fast-food mentality? competitiveness or assertiveness? No sign of mindfulness.
We are so harried in our need for rushing that we are oblivious to the reality of what water does as it's running over your hands, dishes or whatever. A thicker stream of water does no more rinsing or wetting than a thin stream spread comparably, so using a slow/thin stream is much more benefit-to-cost sensible. It's only the water in contact with the surface that is doing the work, the rest is just wasted. The key is the handling of the item being washed and recognizing when a slow-stream is the right stream. In the normal operation of our household, we've concluded that the only time a high-flow is better is when we're simply filling something, not rinsing or wetting.
Getting this habit is rather annoyingly tedious, unless you have a little help. Here's the story. We learned rather quickly because our apartment kitchen faucet was giving us headaches and we needed to resort to the kitchen sprayer-hose. We were banding it to the faucet-spout and wrapping the control to the ON position so that the sprayer could be used sort of like the usual spout because you need both hands for handling hot stuff or messy stuff. But the sprayer hose resisted the angle just enough so that if you whipped on the faucet handle to a too-fast flow, a lot of the kitchen -- and you -- got treated to a shower, OY. You learn really quickly to make a slow-flow the norm.
How you speed up your own learning process... well be creative. I will tell you that as I saw the difference in water usage performance, I informally began clocking the amount of water that I found to be satisfactory for my kitchen projects. Amazingly, the simple use of a measuring pitcher showed flow rates of 1/4 gal/minute to be quite adequate for dishes, even when I was in a hurry. Even slower rates were comforting and calming while doing work projects that required reaching for stuff -- another dish, another bag of fruit, whatever -- while running water over stuff in the sink because nothing was going to create out-of-control overflowing while I dealt with the multi-tasking.
In the research in preparation for greywater designing, they surveyed a couple thousand city homes and found that the average use of a faucet was about 1.4 gal/use, that the faucet was used about 8 times per day per person. Figuring that if the water saving level for the shower applied to the whipped on faucet, then our experience model would save about 3/4ths of your water faucet usage, or about 12 gallons/person/ day which is a monthly savings of 360 gallons/person/ month.
Implementation cost $0
Benefit 360 gallons saved per person per month (just bathroom, but much more so in the kitchen)
3-- Garden time urine collection.. . The Finns did the research (Sci News) where they used saved urine for their agriculture experimentation in finding a replacement for petroleum-based fertilizers. They showed that collected human urine was an excellent match in plant growth nutrients, to the extent that the plots where urine was used showed a 30% higher productivity over the usual petroleum fertilizers. 30% and it is hugely relevant to the home gardener!!
Not only was the productivity better, but the microbial contaminants were fewer! and less trouble for the harvesting. Maybe some people will need another piece of encouragement to get over their diaper-manufacturer s' fear mongering. It's a medical historical fact that human urine was used to clean open wounds on the battlefield. The reality that urine is a human-contact friendly antiseptic is a mind-virus exploding fact. Urine should look so completely benign and startlingly non-hostile once these facts sink in, it would be unimaginable how we could have been so misled in the past.
A few nice 1/2 gallon jugs or jars set alongside one of the less accessible corners of the bathroom -- or even for some, in the bedroom where convenient -- is all the implementation costs required. We have been using urine at 4/5th-dilution but your water-drinking habits will make your urine more or less concentrated so experiment with some little wild plant-areas if you're not sure what concentration to use. Too concentrated is the problem-to-avoid just like any fertilizer.
Remember that fertilizing is not the same as daily watering so spread your new-found resource accordingly.
Using the data on AVERAGE toilet flushing gallons, the avoided water usage during the spring, summer and fall, would amount to as much as another 14 gallons/person/ day
Cost $0 for some reuseable wide-mouth jars and jugs.
Benefit 450 gallons/month/ person in spring, summer and fall, with even more if you did indoor gardening as well in the winter.
4-- Now comes decision time. I'm going to suppose that you are not about to go to the level of greywater and composting toilets but would be interested in avoiding the insanity of flushing your toilet with potable water. So here's the way to switch to flushing with graywater -- without ever having to deal with the morons who are impeding American progress in desisting in water sewage creation. I'm assuming you wouldn't knowingly invite them into your life. And do that switch without plumbers fees, electricians fees or expensive high-tech gadgetry. Wanna know how?
Look at the image at under the link for WasteUtilizationTech -- on the left side of the screen.
What you see there is a galley pump -- used on boats, ahem, I mean yachts. It's set on the floor between the sink and the toilet. The hoses are simply bought from Home Depot to reach from the sink basin to the pump-in nozzle, and the second segment runs from the pump-out nozzle to the toilet tank. There's a small insert of ordinary 1"x1" wooden lumber that's fitted into the rim of the toilet-tank lid to hold it securely lifted all the way around except for a gap for the hose to enter the tank. The hoses are secured to the side of the sink cabinet so that they won't shift around.
The water flow to the toilet tank from the potable water lines is shut completely off. The plan is that you will be using about 1.5 gallons to wash after using the toilet, and that your toilet tank is about the 2 gallon size, just about a perfect match. So when you're flushing this current usage, you will then simply keep the plug in the sink when you wash up afterwards.
While you're drying your hands, you give that little galley pump pedal a few pumps -- maybe four, til the bubbly flow is through the trip to the tank. Easy as pie. By the time you're done drying and turning out the bathroom lights, or nearly, the wash water will have siphoned into the toilet tank, leaving just a small puddle in the sink bowl. The toilet is then ready for the next user.
You've exchanged about 2 gallons of greywater for 1.5 gallons of potable water, which will save you about 18 gallons/day/ person or about 540 gallons/month/ person. This estimate is independent of the Garden Urine option. If you were doing the Garden Urine option, then this would be the complete avoidance of creating blackwater from potable water.
Cost: Galley pump costs about $50-$70 depending mostly on the shipping and a little on the yacht people's eagerness to sell you one.
Benefit: 540 gallons/person/ month and NONE of our potable water would simply become blackwater sewage. This would improve the needs for sewage treatment because there would be less sewage to treat.
As for those who dispose of their misbegotten medications -- aka killer drugs -- down the toilet which then ends up in our water eco-resources, our life support. .. we would suggest that living out in the country without being tied to the reckless pharmaceutical drug usage in Western medicine, would have serious advantages. But you have to do with what you have and this scheme of water conservation at least will save us lots of wasted money while keeping our water resources much less polluted, not to mention reducing the need for draining our eco-water resources beyond their sustainable limits -- economical or physical, depending on your local enviro-life support. And it's so easy, it's just so adoptable, even by the working classes strapped for funds. Hope you agree.
Total Strategies: That's more than 1360 gallons/person/month for the average new saver, accounting for the various overlapping strategies. That's inside the bathroom and out of the 1750 gallons per person per month in GCWW stats. That's over 75% of the bathroom average water usage. There's more outside the bathroom area, besides the slowflow idea, but that's another day's chit-chat.
Let's see, if we in the western world are the Saudis of NEGAWATTS, aren't we also the Saudis of NEGAGALLONS? Isn't it time we smartened up?
And by the way, should you be considering the full switch over from creating blackwater – totally quitting Western-civ's sewage making, not just making less of it – and you were following our example, you would then just be using what passes for a toilet as a flushing bidet for feminine hygiene. All other deposits formerly creating sewage – blackwater – will become a crucial component in your very own bio-remediation system, which we'll talk about some other time.
Curiously, it's not quite legal to do the toilet flushing with greywater our way but there's an approved -- aka more expensive device to do the same thing with more gadgetry and gizmos, plus plumbers and electricians.
The more extreme considered switchover is actually less illegal since there are no laws against thermophillic composting of home generated waste materials for bio-remediation -- only commercial operations are regulated -- nor is there any law against flushing a bidet with greywater that we've ever heard of.
Granted we're not suggesting that you would brag about your – or our – system to anyone other than greywater enthusiasts. It may not be illegal, but having seen lawyers and bureaucrats perjure themselves -- under oath in a courtroom before a jury and a judge -- about the content of the law, caution dictates living well and silently. Life could be so much better and simpler without sewage creation – legal or otherwise. Nega-gallons and no sewage.
Jeannette, I've not yet visited that website, but I will as soon as I get off work today. Sounds so cool.
To paraphrase Amory Lovins, "Most Americans don't care about kwh or CCF or gallons; but they do care about cold beer and hot showers." If hot showers are so important then why isn't there an option to test-drive shower heads at the hardware store? In Home Depot, almost all shower heads seem to be rated "low flow". But not all 2.0 gpm heads are created equal, as I can attest. I want to use a shower at Home Depot dang it!
I'm certainly not offering my house as a shining example of water conservation, but I have acquired a few good habits. I have a 2gpm rated shower head which is probably caked in rust and delivering pine needle sharp mist at a rate more like 1.2 gpm. I shower with cold water and finish by the time a top 40 song finishes-- so 5 gallons/shower easy. This perhaps covers the multitude of sins going on with my home-office toilet. It uses about 5 gpf and I used to flush it probably 12 times per day. I drink several gallons of water per day to keep me hydrated for all the running and cycling I do. I now follow the ol' "If it's yellow let it mellow" adage as much as my wife can tolerate it when she gets home from work.
I'm not sure my urine has a single fertilizing nutrient left in it for my garden because it is usually crystal clear (except on the weekends after I've had too much to drink and gotten too dehydrated on my long runs and bike rides).
Water conservation has a bigger bang than we usually give it credit for in the world of multifamily real estate. If my 5gpf toilet were in a 100 unit apartment complex, then I've seen first hand that switching 100 toilets to 1.6gpf poopers can cost about $200/toilet, amounting to $20,000 for the complex.
Now, this might save about $20,000 in sewage and water expenses in the first year. At first glance, this looks like a 1 year payback-- a genuine "no brainer". But it's WAY WAY better than that to a landlord. Because now, his building's operating expenses are $20,000 less per year and this means the building is $20,000 more profitable per year. And this means that depending on the real estate market's capitalization rate, when he/she sells the building, her asset's value is worth 8-12 times the income the complex can bring in in one year. So, that $20,000 investment in low flush toilets is leveraged to make the property value $200,000 more valuable... IF SOMEONE HAS MONEY TO BUY THE APARTMENT COMPLEX AT ALL.
Chris, it is hard to imagine taking a cold shower in winter. Oy-yoi-yoi. That American hot shower idea has merit in my book, so I'd vote for keeping that. In fact, with our new strategy of using the waste heat in the water heater to warm the radiant floor -- instead of turning off the water heater after morning showers like John does, and we used to -- we can set our house's thermostat down to 60*F for the winter and not be cold -- AS LONG as we adjust our clothing styles and use more body-contact heat like more hot water and hot foods. So the hot showers, blow-dryer and the radiant floor allow us to save energy on space-heating. The radiant floor concentrates the heat from the water heater in the lower levels of the home's space, which is all that humans need. Up near the ceiling is useless heating -- wasted in our book. So 60*F with a radiant floor is warmer than it sounds and can be quite comfortable with sensible changes in lifestyle -- clothing and food and hot water.
I don't think you're going to sell HD on in-store testing of their products when they are so lenient on returns if you're not satisfied after you take it home. So I'm assuming you're reprehensible idea on wet-testing shower-heads is another one of your humorous devil's advocating ideas.
As for the urine's potency, why don't you simply try using it on one of your garden plants, maybe tomato. Last summer, my sister and I both planted similar gardens. She's the one with the greener thumb but last year my tomatoes were outproducing hers -- early and late. My son even managed to coax a couple of our pepper plants that he took indoors to blossom and fruit in midwinter in our woodsy home.
Interesting that you should mention the health monitoring potential of noticing changes in urine. There are a lot of urine testing kits available that I've seen online and I'd recommend getting to know your own testing results when you're healthy, which is easily done when you're capturing urine for garden use anyway. I've been using a kit that measures pH because our bodies maintain an optimal pH as best they can -- just like they maintain a uniform body temperature of 98.6* or thereabouts. If your diet isn't supplying the nutrients for the maintenance of the pH, you can detect and fix that before things go astray, not waiting til things are unaffordably in need of big-pharma, surgery and other nightmares.
Nifty insight you brought up on the multiplier effect of savings on water bills when preparing to sell an investment in an apartment house. Wish I'd known that a couple years ago when the landlord at our old apartment decided to dump an artificially uniform bill-sharing scheme on his tenants when the collective water bills exceeded his expectations, which was contrary to the lease agreement but we were already trying to get the new home ready for move in so we just ignored it. But now I can aggravate him with the idea that he missed his chance to retire to Florida if he'd just replaced those 5gallon toilets and boosted his investment's value. He then could 'swap' those highly profitable apartments here for some seriously underpriced condos down on the Suncoast waterfront near where I have real estate contacts. Will mention it to my Florida folks too. Thanks Chris. Really great idea.
I don't suppose you have any good news for us on those EIMs – Energy Improvement Mortgages, right? Care to update us? You'd think now would be a good time to push that idea into the stream of 'CHANGES'... .
Thanks Jeanette,
It tickles me you asked about my "dead horse", the Energy Improvement Mortgage. As a matter of fact, I had an energy audit this very morning for a homeowner who is trying to do an Energy Improvement Mortgage.
I was surprised out of the blue with a phone call from the broker from Countrywide (of all the banks!) who was working for a real estate agent's son (of all people interested in exposing inefficiencies!) to get his client refinanced with an EIM.
I've spent the past 2 years trying to educate banks and real estate agents on the intrinsic beauty of this concept of reduced energy bills to pay for slightly higher mortgages with higher performance homes. I've had HUGE HUGE HUGE resistance from real estate agents who dry heave at the idea of slowing down a deal and exposing energy problems for the their potential deals. They hate when I come into a home and start talking home energy weaknesses. Now, real estate agents are starting to get certified as "Eco-brokers", and so are warming up to the signs of the times, I suppose.
The homeowner is a young couple about to give birth. They want (above all else new windows) before the delivery. FHA's loan guidelines limit home energy improvement dollars to 5% of the value of the home or $8000, whichever is greater. Their 17 new windows were quoted at $4500, but all my calculations are showing that even with the envelope-tightening benefits and fewer air exchanges, the financed cost of the windows over 30 years far exceed the anticipated energy savings (at today's energy prices).
The good news, is that I have mapped out several self-financing plans, including a $20,000 plan to turn their stick frame house into a veritable beer cooler. I know that the $20,000 exceeds FHA's EIM limits, but for some crazy reason, FHA has another competing program known as the "Streamline K" which allows homeowners to refinance and request up to $35,000 for EVERY sort of home improvement (not requiring blueprints) completely UNrelated to reduced maintenance expenses. These two programs are stackable too, which means the owners could request $35,000 for a DaVinci mural to be painted on their privacy fence and another $8000 on a new dual fuel heat pump system.
I'll keep you updated on how it goes. I plan on doing a ton of publishing of the results if this ever gets done. Wish my clients luck!
Jeanette.... Regarding water, there's a lot of energy consumption around it too. Imagine all the energy going into water treatment, then it gets used just for flushing or car washing, or even worse, leaking/dripping faucets which so many folks are too lazy or busy to keep fixed.
Amory Lovins was once quoted as saying (in a SF - CA speech) that one of that city's highest energy usages was pumping water. Way back when, I once heard that water treatment and pumping was one of Cincy's major energy costs, ranking up there with vehicle fuel and building utility energy.
So when I added it as a category to my household survey, while not specifically identifying its related energy, I was recognizing that it is yet another energy consumption facet of our modern lives. For homes and companies which have lots of leaks, it's not unlike phantom load. Consider that the Assn of Energy Engineers gave an award a few years back to Sam Adams brewery, for its cutting 50,000 gallons per day from its water use! A lot of that was finding and fixing leaks, but a huge amount of reduction came from re-using water. They now reuse some water 3 times. Very cleverly.
And just as Duke/Cinergy/CG&E offer discounted rates to folks who use more electricity per month (i.e. guzzler discounts) October thru May, Cincinnati Water Works (like Northern KY Water District) also charges way less for greater use than lower use. Ironic about NKY Water Dist., since none of the KY electric utilities offer more electric power for lower per-kWh rates. Anyway, I believe whenever prices go down for using more, people have less and less incentive to try to use less. And when they do reduce, their average cost per unit goes up, very unfair, even stupid. At least from an energy- or environment-focused perspective.
BTW, my household paid the highest price per gallon for water in my survey last year. When we first moved here, we noticed immediately that our water cost shot up hugely from what we'd been accustomed to from Cincinnati Water Works. Our 2008 water usage average was 2250 gallons per month.
As for the ParkAndVine event(s), I did sent them an email on Friday morning, after seeing your suggestion. No response yet. No information at the website about who gets the emails. All inquiries are directed to one address.
Thanks John, these facts are staggering. It boggles the mind to visualize 50,000 gallons PER DAY being WASTED at a brewery -- a business designed to make money. Water used for production is an exciting possible source of nega-gallons.
When we first explored the greywater system that Sally Ransohoff had installed, a fairly decent system before the local implementer got his hands on it, the figures for leaks as a major waste water percentage was a knockout at 13% -- about 1 gallon out of every 8 !!
Lovins' idea that water treatment and pumping are such opportunities for energy saving is just super as a magnifying reason to conserve water. And it applies here in our area.
Just for the record, that survey of water usage that I was using shows that John and Gail's usage is barely 50% of the average two-person home, so there's another example of the opportunity for 'the average Joe and Julie' to adopt if they hear more about these experiences.
Jeanette, ENERGY used in production is also an exciting possible source of nega-energies. I often chuckle people ask me about paybacks after I point out some kind of waste. As if they SHOULD GET REIMBURSED to end or reduce the waste!
That's why I now support progressivity in all shared energy, water and pollution pricing even though we're libertarians. Just this morning I heard about the possible re-instatement of local government annual vehicle emissions checks. Reminded me of my proposal to charge by the mile and pollution rate per mile. Big polluters would pay 3 or 10 times more than the least polluters.
I sometimes joke that I'd even support "exponentially progressive" rates for "repeat overpollution". After all, we need new funds to help implement what needs to happen, funds we need from some kinds of new sources. But I'm a realist. Government and utilities incentivize higher resource use and pollution intentionally. More is better, according to the standards. But simultaneously, we offer occasional incentives to use or pollute less, sending signals somewhere between confusion and hypocrisy. Like Donella Meadows often said, we shouldn't focus so much on the ends of our spigots. Instead, change the paradigms and practices which create the demand for so many spigots as well as the flow rates which are available from them! If she hadn't died of natural causes, I'd have suspected somebody might have poisoned her.
Wow, aren't I a cynic this morning! Sorry... My initial point is that there are HUGE MIND-BOGGLING potential savings from cutting wastes in all our resource streams. One main reason I don't take much hope from supply-expansion ideas like "creating a smart grid". Just makes more waste possible...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Kentucky Energy Strategy Comments
These are excerpts from comments I sent to KY regarding its recently proposed Energy Strategy. Read KY's proposed plan at: Now, my comments - JohnR
Kentucky is a beautiful state with a wonderful environment and people. That’s part of why my wife and I moved here in 1997. Yet each time I have checked the statistics since moving here, Kentucky households have used substantially more electricity than the U.S. average and driven more miles per year than the U.S. average in vehicles which achieved worse mpg than the U.S. average.
Kentucky has the 2nd-lowest average electricity prices in the USA, which ENERGY WATCH suggested may be at least partly why Kentucky households use so much more electricity than average. Even if not, Kentucky utilities’ energy rates do not directly encourage less usage. And Kentucky’s personal vehicle property tax, by discouraging newer cars with its higher annual registration fees, may also be at least partly responsible for why more Kentucky vehicle owners achieve poorer mpg.
I am an energy consultant, designer of super-efficient homes and adult-ed teacher about solar and energy efficiency at home. Most Kentucky adults I meet have very low awareness of their energy use or pollution consequences, even if they know and complain about the prices they pay for their energy or their total energy cost. But energy prices and costs are not the best way to track, understand or measure energy usage or pollution demands. Kentucky’s young students that I meet or speak to also tend to have rather poor understanding of energy and their many, often careless uses of it. Even when adults and youngsters express awareness of their energy or its impacts, they typically expect or hope new technologies and energy types will soon become available to change their negative impacts. There is usually very little or no interest or expectation to change how or how much they use energy. Many consumers seem to think the problems of rising energy costs and environmental consequences relate more to the energy providers than consumers themselves.
Yet as concerns grow regarding Climate Change, airborne particulates, mercury emissions, rising prices and eventual depletion of fossil fuels, many consumers have idealistic expectations that solar or wind power, or a variety of biofuels, can or will eventually replace most of their energy needs. Even proposals for integrating more renewable energies into utility fuel mix and consumer lives do not usually tend to replace, avoid or shut-down our filthiest powerplants, but merely to offset some minor amounts of that need for short durations.
For instance, net-metered solar electricity is most useful for alleviating summer peak electric demand in cities with larger concentrations of modern homes and buildings with greater air conditioning demand. Many rural areas are still experiencing early winter morning electric peaks, related to heating, simply because there is less saturation of air conditioning and more saturation of electric heat due to less access to natural gas. Most solar advocates I meet do not understand the complexity of our energy dilemmas and therefore do not know that net-metered solar electricity is not doing much to reduce the burning of coal.
Much of these dilemmas have their root causes in
1) Widespread lacking public education about and participation in recognizing, avoiding and minimizing energy use,
2) Fiscal and economics strategies and systems which do not discourage conventional energy use and reliance on centralized energy providers and
3) Few or no penalties for pollution, wastefulness and energy guzzling practices
1. Education & Focus
Kentucky should integrate new required curricula in all public schools which educates young students (starting in elementary school) how to recognize, avoid and minimize energy use. Energy education would not be occasional or limited to special timeframes, as now (i.e. Earth Day). Instead, energy education should be integrated directly into various traditional subjects, from home economics and math to science and vocational education. Energy education also needs to be more technical. Adult-education should also be made available, since most Kentucky adults are so poorly educated about their energy uses and demands.
Energy education should have a primary goal to teach students enough to perform routine energy audits on their own, their families’ and their neighbors’ homes. I hear this idea is already being explored in California. The benefits of this approach are that it simultaneously addresses energy education which we know is so lacking in Kentucky schools now, our homes and buildings which are so generally inefficient now, and our future workforce which is so short on technical energy skills now.
Another benefit is that our future energy auditors and consultants will be "insiders", not one-time-only experts who visit and inspect a home maybe every 10-25 years. After all, it is not just the building components and appliances in a home which have potential for lower energy use. At least 25% of potential lower energy use comes from how people behave, operate and live in their homes, regardless of the home’s energy-using components. Many opportunities to reduce usage by improving efficiency of behaviors, operations and lifestyles not only cost less to implement, but also need an insider’s perspective which is often not possible from an occasional expert’s visit. An insider like a family member or neighbor can often be more direct in suggesting change than an outsider.
A student-audit approach also separates household income from energy, in that traditional energy audits tend to be focused primarily on low-income households. Studies have clearly shown that high-income households generally and home occupants with the most house per person specifically are most likely to be the biggest energy guzzlers. Focusing primarily on low-income households not only distracts from this fact, but also creates an unnecessary stigma about the relationship between low-income and high energy use. Indeed, as an energy consultant, I can say absolutely that some affluent households are sometimes embarrassed to seek energy-reducing advice, simple because of this stigma.
We need to change what appears to be an automatic assumption that a wealthier or larger-house household should automatically use more energy per person. Energy usage should become viewed more like weight. Doctors and consumer groups have tables which clearly show recommended weight based on simple physical data like height, sex and age. So just as a weight-loss plan focuses first on folks who are most obese, we need our energy education and outreach plans to focus first on folks who use the most energy per person and/or per sf of built space.
The focus of energy audits and implementations to reduce usage ought to relate to fixed targets, based on local energy usage demographics. In other words, start each audit NOT with an inspection of the house itself but an evaluation of energy usage per person and per sf of house. Focus on households and persons which are above average first, skipping at least initially even doing audits on households which are below average in usage.
As a past inspector under HEAP (Heating Energy Assistance Program) in SW Ohio, where qualifying participants were determined according to income level, not energy usage, I recall being asked to focus on 6 thermal efficiency aspects of every home I inspected. I wouldn't typically even know the household’s energy usage nor how that related to average use among houses in the neighborhood. While we need such programs for low-income households, we should not confuse assistance for low-income households having trouble affording their energy bills with any program focused on lowering statewide energy use.
It would be greatly helpful to consumers and energy professionals to know their region’s energy demographics. Natural gas and electric utilities typically keep databases describing customer energy usage. In northern Kentucky where I live and in most regions where I have worked, that’s usually a couple years of data. While it is common for utility bills to include a graph showing how this month’s usage compares with last month and the last 12 months, there is no presentation which compares usage with other households and homes serviced by the same utility or in the same region. Consumers and energy consultants need to understand any individual’s or home’s energy usage in context with demographic norms. Otherwise, a 12-month graph does no more than describe how much and in what distribution an individual or household typically uses their energy, compared to themselves.
Consider how that wouldn’t work in our popular sports. Think about how baseball, football and other sports statistics are presented to players and fans. Individual player sports stats are typically compared to the overall pool of players. We need to apply this same method to how we describe and compare our energy stats. After all, monitoring and improving energy performance is not really much different from improving sports performance. It could even be understood, incentivized and setup as a competitive endeavor, with awards or rewards for lowest usage.
To demonstrate what I mean by consumer energy demographics, I invite readers to visit my website,, and review my home energy surveys. This kind of presentation could be done per utility territory, per state, per city or town or county. It provides both consumers and consultants a wealth of information about how households are performing, from best to worst.
2. Incentivize Reduction
The responsibility to use less energy and to pollute less goes up as energy usage and pollution goes up. In other words, energy guzzlers and bigger polluters have more responsibility to improve than energy sippers and lesser polluters. This should be part of the state’s message to consumers and businesses.
One relatively easy way to address this is with energy pricing which increases for higher use, also called "progressive rates". This has become common practice up and down the U.S. West Coast. It is admirable that Kentucky has mostly flat energy rates, contrasted with Ohio where almost all investor-owned utilities offer substantially discounted prices for electricity as monthly usage increases. But Kentucky could still offer very low energy prices for lowest users while introducing rate progressivity to expose guzzlers to economic incentives to lower their usage.
My vision for achieving the easiest and most fair progressive rates for any energy type is to start with a survey to determine average usage per billing cycle. In simplest form, average energy use would be priced similarly as now, so as not to raise energy cost for average users. Below-average use, say one-half or less of average per term, would be charged an attractively lower rate than now, maybe even non-profit rate. Above-average use, say 150% to 250% of average, would be charged a substantially increased price.
Total utility revenue lost by discounting the low-usage rates would be fully recovered by increased revenue collected from higher rates on above-average usage. Consumers using more than 250% of average would not only pay the above-average rate, but also be charged additional fees for new generation, low-income energy programs and EE/RE (energy efficiency and renewable energy) incentive programs. This removes the burdens of these kinds of fees from lowest and average users, which I believe will be one of the biggest benefits of my proposal. After all, a historically low usage household or one which has labored and paid significantly to reduce its usage should NOT be charged additional fees for new power generation or EE/RE programs. Lowest users are usually the least responsible for those needs.
My vision of progressive rates is revenue neutral, self-funded, blind to household income as an independent energy criterium, instructive to consumers about what drives energy costs, and increases most energy costs on those consumers most responsible for new generation needs. Since the highest percentage of guzzlers in most studies tend to be wealthiest households and others in the largest homes, my proposed energy cost redistribution would seem affordable and fair. Hopefully, this would not only result in increased interest and movement by guzzlers to use less conventional energy, but also in increase demand for the most expensive EE/RE measures (i.e. solar) among households best able to afford it without public subsidies.
My progressive and instructive rates scheme would need re-evaluating periodically. It might also be appropriate to measure how much usage reduction is achieved, to make decisions about how best to modify the scheme to improve future outcomes. Measurement feedback would come from the ongoing energy surveys. Gauging progress would be a simple matter of measuring how much less conventional energy is being used. If the program was very successful and overall usage of conventional energy dropped dramatically, energy providers will need to diversify their business models to incorporate other income opportunities besides selling conventional energy.
Another longterm benefit of progressive rates as I describe is the consumer education injected into the energy market itself. Progressive rates also level the playing field among the various methods and strategies for reducing usage, while broadening the available and applicable methods for achieving the reduced usage goal. For instance, studies clearly show a huge positive relationship between living space per person and energy use per person, thereby making house size per occupant an energy efficiency factor all by itself. Progressive rates bring house size per person into play, a huge improvement over LEED, EnergyStar, HERS and other programs which do not include house size relative to number of occupants as an efficiency feature. Moving from a larger home to a smaller home to reduce energy usage also results in a potential reduction in total housing cost, thereby addressing 2 important cost issues facing most households.
Similarly, installing solar hardware becomes equal to insulation, caulk, replacement windows and all other EE/RE measures to reduce conventional energy. Under rate progressivity, all measures are equal based on how much energy savings is actually achieved. Rewards are based on real outcomes (i.e. energy usage), not on projections or estimates made prior to occupancy or implementation. Even no-cost measures like outdoor clotheslines become competitive with more efficient dryers. Planting trees to shade west glass becomes equal to installing sunscreens or lowE2 glass windows to reduce afternoon summer air conditioning demand. In other words, the energy reductions marketplace becomes much more broad and creative than now where only certain narrowly defined products, strategies and certification processes dominate. Consumers become empowered much more to be more self-evaluating and self-implementing, less reliant on experts and other formalities.
3. Pay to pollute
This concept has been too long in coming. In the old days, when there were too few of us to make it important, only the biggest single-source polluters drew our attention. But while it is easier to focus only on the smokestack of the powerplants which produce energy for thousands of homes and businesses, it is far more essential to create pressure on the thousands of homes and businesses to demand less power from the filthy-burning powerplant. Indeed, it is probably cheaper to reduce power enough to shutdown a few of the most polluting powerplants than it is to implement enough pollution control and sequestration measures.
Even if not cheaper, we should want consumers to be smarter and more aware, making more intelligent and better decisions about their energy use than now. Simply modifying powerplants leaves consumers more often as ignorant and unaware as they were before. Most of the best and lowest cost opportunities for reducing pollution result from users reducing their usage, not with suppliers reducing their source pollution.
The federal government has begun talking about carbon emissions caps, taxes, trading and credits. I worry that this discussion has or will become far too abstract for the average energy consumer. Seeing wealthy individuals and businesses more able, willing or encouraged to buy carbon credits (often planting trees in 3rd world nations) instead of actually reducing their own energy use or related pollution, most consumers should be confused, distracted or turned off.
Even when using carbon credits, they ought to be applied locally. In other words, high volume conventional energy users who are unable, unwilling or uninterested in reducing their own energy usage so decide to buy carbon credits instead, should consider reducing conventional energy consumption elsewhere in their same neighborhood or local energy provider territory. That way the benefits of less conventional generation, pollution and environmental degradation are enjoyed locally.
Even a casual review of Kentucky energy use would suggest the assumption that most energy-related pollution comes from coal and oil. Carbon taxes for Kentucky should be based on the actual high carbon content of Kentucky’s typical conventional fuels. Since local carbon content is so high, about 60% higher than the national average for electricity, carbon taxes should be honest. I have already stated that Kentucky households use more than average electricity and drive more annual miles in lower-mpg vehicles than average. So we do not want to distract ourselves from confronting these 2 related facts directly and honestly.
Kentuckians I meet usually have healthy interest in avoiding higher taxes and fees. So motivated, consumers could reduce or avoid higher carbon taxes simply by reducing their demand for carbon emissions. If carbon taxation were also progressive, similarly scaled as I propose for energy rates generally so that they reflect current demographics, then carbon taxes would be most punitive (or incentivizing) for those who demand more-than-average carbon emissions. As stated before, the responsibility to pollute less should be understand as higher for bigger polluters than for lesser polluters.
Most of my discussion so far has been on household energy. But what about our vehicles, the other major energy guzzlers and polluters? It isn’t really instructive simply to put a per-gallon carbon tax at the fuel pump as some have proposed, since any pricing change should be noticible and exert more direct influence to change behavior and judgement.
My recommendation is to replace the current personal property tax on KY-owned vehicles with a carbon tax paid at time of annual re-registration. For a typical gasoline-using vehicle, it would be based on a simple formula:
Miles driven X 22 CO2 Lbs/gallon X CO2 tax per Lb
EPA-average mpg
As example, my vehicle is EPA-rated to average 35 mpg. It was driven 8854 miles in 2008. If the carbon tax is 2 cents per CO2 pound, then my annual tax would be 8854 x 22 x $.02 / 35 = $111.31 for 2008. Add an extra flat fee for clerk fee plus registration sticker or plate, and that’s my annual registration fee. Since my registration doesn't neatly occur on January 1, the only other change would be a certified annual odometer reading, not unlike what is done when transfering a vehicle title. Miles driven in the formula would be from one year's registration to the next.
A more average vehicle getting only 22 mpg, driven 15000 miles, would have registration cost of $300 plus clerk and plate fees.
We want drivers to reduce their oil use and related pollution, so this higher annual registration cost for vehicles which pollute more, being very obvious and repeating year after year, should encourage substantially more consumer preference for our goal than current CAFE standards and KY's vehicle property tax. If the average KY driver selects 35 mpg for his/her next vehicle, annual registration (compared with 22 mpg) goes down by $111. If he/she decides to keep the current low-mpg vehicle but start a carpool, lowering annual miles by 7500, annual registration goes down by $150. If he/she buys a next vehicle designed to run on no- or low-carbon energy, he/she reduces the most annual cost, since the carbon tax is only applied based on the use of carbon fuels. So one can see that my proposal incentivizes all methods which result in less use and emissions, not just certain types of cars, engines or fuels.
Another pay-to-pollute idea relates to our solid and liquid wastes. Right now my garbage removal costs the same no matter how much garbage I discard. Yet it could and probably should be based on how many pounds or how many containers of garbage I discard. Similarly, wastewater volumes ought to have progressive costs, such that the price per unit of waste goes up per volume.
I realize that I have written this document mostly about residential situations and remedies. That is my area of most expertise and experience. It is also the lowest common denominator, since far more Kentuckians have homes and households than businesses or industries. With our worsening energy situations in Kentucky, especially relative to cost and pollution, we need more solutions which involve the most numbers of people to achieve the greatest amounts of reductions in both conventional energy use and related pollutants. This may appear more difficult or risky than focusing mostly on the biggest producers and suppliers, but it will result in the greatest longterm results because of more widespread education and participation.
Much has happened and is happening to reduce energy use and pollution among some Kentuckians, but so far this achievement is concentrated among very few. I am one of those players, not just a home designer and energy consultant. I have substantially reduced our conventional energy usage. Did so also in our last home in SW Ohio. Such must have been rare indeed, since the utility company in Cincinnati replaced my meters, apparently not believing I’d accomplished such large cuts without thievery!
So before I got started in my NKY home, I called my utility company to let them know in advance what I hoped to accomplish with better insulation, sealants, windows, new heating and cooling system, solar water heating, passive solar and solar electric. After I converted one room in my 9-room home (my office) to operate on solar electricity and batteries in 2001, I was nonetheless contacted by US-DOE to participate in a survey for "early adopters!" Similar to my SW Ohio utility, DOE seemed curious why I would have done such when there were no subsidies and energy costs were very low. We need to change the widely held perception that achieving substantial cuts in conventional energy use and pollution is rare or odd.
I hope for a future where a majority of citizens cut their conventional energy usage, where governments and utilities are not shocked or surprised when a homeowner cuts usage and pollution by a third, half or more. I also hope we reward these kinds of people. To the contrary, after I achieved my cuts in my current home, my utility nonetheless raised my energy rates by 25% to pay for a new powerplant. That was not a reward, but an insult. It should be obvious that my household is not responsible for why any new powerplants are needed. My household and others like it should not be asked or forced to pay for new generation, since that new generation is for households and businesses who are increasing their energy usage.
Many others in our region have achieved very low usage and pollution. But the overwhelming majority of Kentuckians are doing nothing or very little to reduce energy use and pollution. In fact, energy usage is growing, even as more efficiency is purchased or integrated into products and built structures. This is because there is so little understanding of our goals. Many think our goals are simply "more efficiency" and "more renewables". But it's relatively easy, if not common, for growth in our home sizes per person and in the counts of energy-using devices per person to offset or outpace gains from efficiency and renewables. That’s why we need to aim clearly and succinctly for reduced conventional fuel use and pollution.
An energy usage reduction plan is not unlike a weight-loss plan. The goal is to reduce to an acceptable level. Success is measured by how much we reduce, not by which methods we use to achieve it. We should not want or lobby for incentives for narrowly defined energy-reduction measures, products or processes. We need clear focus on the reductions themselves, welcoming all methods to achieve them.
Finally, we want to avoid (at least initially) pie-in-the-sky plans which are unproven. We know too many ideas which are down to earth, already proven and practical. Implement them first. To find the most proven and practical plans, identify those who demonstrate very low usage and see how that was achieved. Hold those seemingly successful strategies and low usage stats up as examples for others to follow. In many if not most situations, what some households can achieve indicates what's possible for others.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Avoiding a pointless auto industry bailout:
The RIGHT FIRST STEP on the green path
Can you believe the uninspired, hopelessly pointless direction that this auto industry bailout is going? Granted, the list of directions for better ideas is crowded with options, most of which are barely off the drawing board and crash tested so where do we turn. Why not turn to the ideas of the most ingenius, inventive and marketplace/system savvy advisor to energy industries, the military and to energy users whether it's we individuals or the industries we depend on.
Amory Lovins demands that We Must Win the Oil Endgame, and he shows how!! In this mere 20 minute youtube video. Perfect to circulate.
It seems to me that Lovins' ancient -- 2006? -- statement on our choices in re-engineering the auto industry are again vital to consider! We must insist the Lovins' insights be adopted for these bailout negotiations. Without it, we should balk on bailout moneys!
And if we don't push as hard as we can, where ever we see opportunities, this Washington, DC exercise will be a pointless, painful billion dollar re-engineering game that just continues on the same miserable path as far as we're concerned... when it could be the crisis moment for genius in switching to the CARBON-FIBER BODY cars that would be the right first step to get us
JohnR As for the new auto taskforce (a car czar is apparently not enough), why aren't we looking at this the OTHER way around? Like what I keep saying about how much oil SHOULD WE USE? Recall my old notes about the average American driver using 800 to 900 gallons per year, based on data I found for a decade ago. Then the data shows that we supposedly import at least 60% of our oil, which means we must not be importing 40%. That 40% of the oil we'r using now is our oil to use as long as it lasts. Keeping us running on our own resources for at least another 40 years, last research (Science News on bacterial extraction success). Take 40% of 800 to get 320 gallons per year per driver. That's what I'm suggesting should be the FIRST goal for us drivers using oil for our vehicles. Use no more than that 320 gallons/year, or pay a new "oil alternatives tax" which then would build a new and needed R&D + subsidy moneys fund directly available to alternatives projects like Lovins'. Let's assume we drive 15,000 miles per year. We'd need a Prius to stay within your share of US oil and avoid the tax on using foreign oil, since that's the only vehicle which averages about 47 mpg, high enough to allow only 320 gallons of annual oil use. If we are driving 9000 miles per year, we can get by with no less than 28.1 mpg. A fairly normal car. Consumers already know mpg, so this just puts that knowledge to practical use. Every car purchase could include a new clear disclosure sticker of how many miles can be driven per year before the "import oil tax for alternatives" kicks in. It could be a sticker as big as the typical mpg label. To enforce this, we implement a new national oil-import tax on car registrations. I've already submitted written recommendations about a similar plan for KY, where I said it would replace the current annual vehicle property tax (currently paid by KY and Indiana vehicle owners, but not OH). Each "household fleet" vehicle annual mileage is divided by its EPA-official average mpg. Add up the gallons theoretically purchased for the year. Divide by the number of drivers. The tax is only on the gallons purchased above 320 gallons per driver per year, times the number of drivers. Easily implemented. The reasons I like this are:
- free of foreign oil,
- make cars safer,
- reduce pollution and
- put the US automakers (and their remaining workforce) on track to meaningful use of resources.
JohnR As for the new auto taskforce (a car czar is apparently not enough), why aren't we looking at this the OTHER way around? Like what I keep saying about how much oil SHOULD WE USE? Recall my old notes about the average American driver using 800 to 900 gallons per year, based on data I found for a decade ago. Then the data shows that we supposedly import at least 60% of our oil, which means we must not be importing 40%. That 40% of the oil we'r using now is our oil to use as long as it lasts. Keeping us running on our own resources for at least another 40 years, last research (Science News on bacterial extraction success). Take 40% of 800 to get 320 gallons per year per driver. That's what I'm suggesting should be the FIRST goal for us drivers using oil for our vehicles. Use no more than that 320 gallons/year, or pay a new "oil alternatives tax" which then would build a new and needed R&D + subsidy moneys fund directly available to alternatives projects like Lovins'. Let's assume we drive 15,000 miles per year. We'd need a Prius to stay within your share of US oil and avoid the tax on using foreign oil, since that's the only vehicle which averages about 47 mpg, high enough to allow only 320 gallons of annual oil use. If we are driving 9000 miles per year, we can get by with no less than 28.1 mpg. A fairly normal car. Consumers already know mpg, so this just puts that knowledge to practical use. Every car purchase could include a new clear disclosure sticker of how many miles can be driven per year before the "import oil tax for alternatives" kicks in. It could be a sticker as big as the typical mpg label. To enforce this, we implement a new national oil-import tax on car registrations. I've already submitted written recommendations about a similar plan for KY, where I said it would replace the current annual vehicle property tax (currently paid by KY and Indiana vehicle owners, but not OH). Each "household fleet" vehicle annual mileage is divided by its EPA-official average mpg. Add up the gallons theoretically purchased for the year. Divide by the number of drivers. The tax is only on the gallons purchased above 320 gallons per driver per year, times the number of drivers. Easily implemented. The reasons I like this are:
1) it puts direct incentive to use less oil on the drivers, not the mfrs
2) drivers now see direct higher cost for import energy
3) cars already have no-tamper odometer laws
4) the auto registration process is already setup, including tax collection
5) incentive to use less oil benefits all alternatives & solutions equally
6) mfrs will certainly hear more consumer demand for higher mpg than now
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